Waffe Workshop online booking page

Here we go!!!! Book your waffle workshop in 3 easy steps. We limit the number of participants to deliver quality workshops. So booking in advance is recommended.

1. Pick a day and check time availability: we organize workshops on the days coloured on the calendar below:
Green = starting at 3:15PM.
Blue = starting at 11:15AM
Yellow = starting at 6:15PM
White = no workshops
Feel free to submit any day for group bookings via email private@waffleworkshop.com

2. Click on "request booking" and follow the instructions. We only ask 8€ deposit per participant to secure your spot. The deposit is refundable in case you cancel the activity at least 48h before the start. Please pay the balance fee (20€ /adult and 10€ /child) in cash at the end of the activity.

3. We will review your booking and confirm it manually by email, then we look forward to meeting you in Brussels and bake waffles together!

If you don't see the booking form, click here.